Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cute little stupid me

Oh, goodness, I'm stupid, and I don't know why, but I guess I like it!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Little Talks

I like the video a little more than the song...hee hee.  I love the way the little men walk and they look so cool; that's the only reason I watch it. really.

Sweet Potato Man

Ha.  I'm so not a grown up.  Playing with your food is just too much fun!
Lets be frank here, yes I felt really bad to scrape him off my plate in to the trash.  *sniff*  Goodby Sweet Potato Man...

Story of my Life

Honestly, do I really need to explain?

Friday, February 15, 2013

Alles Neu

I wish I had a monkey orchestra.  That would be so much fun.  And I really want those masks, goodness they look so awesome!!!
Enjoy some German music.  It's weird if you haven't guessed (it must be if I've posted it).

Picking Fights and Looking Good

It'd be nice if I were a wild horse.  I could pick fights and beat up other horses and everyone would say "Oh, how majestic, lets see that again!"  See, I know how it works.

Wetness meets sleepy bat

Bats are so cute... But how can they hibernate when they're covered in ice cold water droplets?  I'm glad I'm not a bat.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

If I were a Monster

You probably can't read the hand writing on there.  I'll just tell you what it says:
"If I were a monster, I'd want an adventure. But there's just no joy in being all alone, nay, I'd go out and find a smart, willy boy or girl and take it with me.  Then it will be fun.  That's what creatures in the books have done anyway..."
And I'd like to add that I would tell this child to degrade, kill, or dethrone some rude person.  As a monster it would've hardly bothered me...but you got to give the kid something to do!

Dirty Paws

"Jumping up and down the floor,
My head is an animal.
And once there was an animal
It had a son that mowed the lawn.
The son was an okay guy.
They had a pet dragonfly.
The dragonfly it ran away,
But it came back with a story to say..."

Dirty Paws-- Of Monsters and Men

Click here to listen to the song.

Doodle, doodle, doodle

Doodle, doodle, doodle,
All darn day long,
I post a lot of songs,
They're really really wierd,
I really like beards.  (had to rhyme somewhere)

I have a pretty thing,
though it's not finished yet,
And still I let
my distractions win.
I'll never get it finished, no, never, fin,

'Cause I like striped paper,
I'm doodle, doodle, doodling,
All darn day long....

You'll have to be entertained with sketches on lined paper.  sorry.

Thank goodness for True Love first

I'm so glad that Belle had to fall in love with Beast first.  Because if she had to kiss him first and the spell went all wrong...yikes.

I'm so terrible...this is on my report card. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

His comforting love

Sometimes, I feel like this little kid.  I just want to fall on my rear and cry.  But someone's always there to lift me up and tell me "Don't cry Alyse, I'm hear for you."   He gave this wonderful talent.  I ought to thank Him for it.  I should give Him thanks for more things than I have.  And so, why not?  I'll start right here.

Mountain Sounds

What the heck.  I love it!