Monday, July 21, 2014

Barbed Wire and Superglue

So, I was at camp Liahona.  It's a youth camp for Priests and Laurels in my steak to go for an overnight-er to learn about leadership and other life skills.  On Friday night we played Fugitive.  The object of the game is to get from point A to point B without getting caught by the adults.  Our point B was the river bank.  Me and Kailee Hendricks decided to go where less people were going and head west around the camp and through the cover of trees.  It seemed perfect.  When we started we went running and sprinting from tree to tree to keep under cover.

I decided to dash for another tree.  Suddenly I stopped.  It was not that I intended on stopping but I ran into an invisible wall.  'No wait' I thought, 'it's not a wall, it's a fence.'  Then my brain got to my senses and realized it was a barbed wire fence when my legs felt like it got chomped by a giant rattlesnake.  I turned around, grabbed poor leg and did something I thought I could never do.
 ......"Sh**!"  I said.......
It slipped, honestly it just happened.  But I didn't think my leg got cut too bad.  I kept going, but I lost my stealthiness and got caught pretty soon.  I must have been in a bit of shock because I didn't feel much pain at all.  When I got to the light though my legs turned out to be a different story:  I had a scratch on my left leg, 2 puncture wounds on my right thigh, and a big gash that ran down my right shin.

I went to the nearest adult to get medical attention.  I didn't intend on the pitiful attention I got from all the other kids.  It was so annoying.  My right leg was was pretty bad with that gash and all, but luckily there was a doctor there.  He didn't have any sutures for stitches, but he did have superglue.  Hurray!  He laid me down and gave me a local anesthetic to numb my leg.  The only thing that really hurt in that event was the needle.  I've never had a needle hurt but that killed!  Another kid, Jackson was just so nice and he talked to me the whole time to keep me from getting board that whole hour.  I like nice boys. 

Brother Phillips was able to glue my leg back together and wrap it all up.  Now I've got a big yellow wrap that says "look I damaged my leg!  Come over and ask me what happened!"  It says that figuratively of course.  I was just hoping that people wouldn't be too worked up about it.  Or at least notice.

Okay, so that was my adventure on Friday night, but even for the last couple of days I've been getting so much attention for it.  I don't know if I like it.  I mean I don't mind people caring, but do I really have to get the same sorry answer every time I tell my funny story?  One Beehive said it was really funny and laughed.  For me that was a breath of fresh air.  Thank you, Carina, for having a sense of humor.
I laugh even how at this event.  I mean, I ran straight into a barbed wire fence.  I was laughing even right after I cut it.  For some people to have an epic story of injury I ran into a fence.  I just wish the people in this world could laugh more about some of their woes than cry about it.