Friday, November 30, 2012

Tribute to the "Old Guys"

I respect the people of the old days.  They were so original and wise.  And they were beyond funny.  Tribute to you, you great and fanatical fellows!

Good Ol' Danny Kaye!  (and if you notice, he tells the same story in the first and last video)

And of course, Victor Borge the verbal writer of punctuation.

Sorry if I give you an excessive list of videos to watch... enjoy them anyway!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hurray for the Hobbit!!!!

I'm so excited for the Hobbit to come out in theaters Dec 14!  I love the Hobbit!!!!  I guess you could say I'm a fanatic.  My favorite part is going to be the song "Misty Mountains Cold." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Oh' Peter Jackson, you're such a genius.
Not to mention, but I personally think Gollum is hideously adorable!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

So glad to have friends

Witchy Tiejten: "This is all your fault you know."
Troll & I: ..... (how can we argue)

I'm so glad to have some friends.  One to take the fall with me and the other to remind me of my mistakes, but still be there for me.  I love you guys : D

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blue night Moon

"The moon brings out such wonderful things
On a blue night, like this
In a deep forest,
I wander about..."

('Tsuki no Waltz' by Mio Isayamo)

Medium: watercolor, watercolor pencil, colored pencil, and a little bit of nu pastel and pen

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pride in myself

O' what pride I have in myself! So technologically challenged, yet I have over come and I can text!!!  Hurray!!  And now I have just learned how to follow people.  You may think that's weird, but I don't because I am talking in the sense of blogs, not actually following people to their house and texting then non-stop (texting non-stop is another thing I cannot do, how do you normal teenagers do it?).  Anyway, praises to me for I am now one step closer the twenty-first century whom has left me biting in the dust.  

Tsuki no Waltz

I found this song on my friends blog.  An quite frankly, I've grown lavishly obsessed with it.  So each week I will create and post a piece of art inspired by this awesome song.  I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!