Thursday, November 22, 2012

So glad to have friends

Witchy Tiejten: "This is all your fault you know."
Troll & I: ..... (how can we argue)

I'm so glad to have some friends.  One to take the fall with me and the other to remind me of my mistakes, but still be there for me.  I love you guys : D


  1. Ha ha, lol, did we even get any waltzing in with him at all? You think that, perhaps if we give him a flower, he might be appeased into not decapitating us? When I saw this I laughed for a full five minutes!

  2. Well I believed what really happened was that we saw Death walk by and we got really excited to ask him to dance, even though our dear friend advised us not to, and he said " Oh I'd love to, but I don't have my dancing shoes with me. Would you mind waiting over there while I go and grab them?"
    And so, gullible as we were we stood by that big pole he directed us to. Then he pulled out a coil of rope. Rachel asked what the rope was for and he said, "To keep you lovely children from straying off. I don't like it when young children run away from things I love to do."
    And so, we as a trio, sat at the pole, tied up to 'keep from running away from the fun' you and I too anxious and excited to wonder.
    Finally Death came back, but he forgot his dancing shoes, and brought somethings else instead...

    1. So that means that of course he's going to do some break moves with that scythe, right? Perhaps he might even make some elaborately cut fruit for us to enjoy while we sit and watch his dance moves. I wonder how he would dance though, with a scythe? Probably twirl it around a few times, over his head, to the side, while he does some fancy footwork....not accidentally throwing it in our direction.....? Lol, truly I would like to see that. I just hope that scythe's not specifically meant to cut anything other than treats for this occasion. And by treats, I mean myself excluded out of that category. And you guys, too, of course. Don't want to end up as snacks for Cerberus. I wonder what happened to his shoes? Did they sprout wings and fly away? Or maybe they just hid. Deaths head is a bit scary after all. But I've noticed that when he smiles, I'm a bit enchanted. Like, "Hello, how are you?" Hmmmmmmmmm?
