Friday, February 21, 2014

An Intimidating Sort

You know isn't it funny the way we view things?  We look at The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and see Dorothy's gang.  Don't they just look so sweet?  No, not in a literal sense they don't.  I mean lets think logically: an iron lumber jack carrying around his axe, a lion, and a scarecrow that really shouldn't be moving much less speaking.  It can really give you creeps.  But instead they're nice and help Dorothy.  o_O
Then we have Alice in Wonderland.  My brother talked about it scaring him when he was young.  Really?  A smiley cat and children get nightmares?  Isn't our view of things just odd?

Now lets talk about those flying monkeys :).  Yes they are pretty scary looking, but if L. Frank Baum really wanted to scare the little children and grown-ups, he would have put wings on spiders!  Yes, the total nightmarish fear would appear in our minds horrifically. 

Here is a sketch of Dorothy and his gang with Alice, because I thought it would be fun (that's were I thought up all this stuff up above).

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Semester Art pieces and House of Bears

I'll try to be better at updating my blog, even if it's silliness and stuff.  My father's birthday is coming.  Strange.  So mother decided to through a big party on Friday. 
Suddenly I feel I'm living in a house of bears (hm catchy, I'm open to anyone who will write a song or poem about that phrase.  I don't really care what).  Mother and Sister are brawling each other constantly.  I'm just the little fox awkwardly keeping out of it and doing the dishes.  And the real bear (Papa) is hibernating. 

You know, I looked at the snow covered mountains and thought, wouldn't it be nice to live up there?  To be so cold your toes are falling off a bit.  You're covered in furs and things to keep warm and gather firewood for your little cottage fire, while you're watching the snowflakes make their final waltz to the ground.  I would love that.  (I know, I'm weird, I would love to live in an isolated mountain in the snow)

Anyway, here are my art pieces from last semester drawing class. Or at least some of them:

Comparison of Shiny and Matt (my scanner made all the lines in my background stand out.  I know it's awful but in real life they aren't there that much.  Ignore them)

Just a Fairytale. 
medium: pen and ink
style: stipple