Thursday, May 30, 2013

My little pieces

Here you are, as you have patiently awaited for.  They're not all there, the rest are too big for my little scanner, but until then, here are the little ones.

 Winston Churchill, just so you know
Medium: Scratch board
 Wodabe man.  Yes a man, but he looks like a woman.  I like these people, they dress weird... You know, these two pieces look so much better at a distance.  I think they're pretty terrible up close.
Medium: Ink
This is utterly and totally...random.  I just love dragons and smooth wavelike textures so I put them together on a grey piece of paper.  Apparently it was good enough for the art show.
Medium: Prismacolor pencils


Oxymoron: a figure of speech that combines contradictory terms.
 Like for example...

Living Dead
Act Natual
Non-stick Glue
Jumbo Shrimp
Black Light
Blind Eye
Sad Smile
Sweet Sorrow

A Fine Mess
Alone Together
Original Copy
Almost Surprised
Apathetic Interest
A Little Big
Acrophobic Mountain Climber (wha...?)
Wise Fool
Anticipating the Unanticipated
Anarchy Rules!
Pretty Ugly
Privacy on the Internet

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Loss for School and a Diorama of a Spider's supper

You know, I thought I was excited for school to be over with.  No more homework, or waking up at 5:30 in the morning.  But now I kind of miss it.  It went by so fast and now I feel empty that I don't have any homework to do.  Now all of the stuff I wanted to do that I didn't have time for I have too much time.  I don't feel like doing it all the time.  And school just ended today!  I used to just love being done with school, but now I kind of want to chase it and try to get it back.  Maybe it's because I'm getting closer to becoming and adult and no longer a naive little teenager.

And now on to brighter subjects.  This is an English assignment I did back in January.  I kept it in my closet afterwards.  And well, while I was cleaning my room and riding it of "school girl" stuff, I found it.  Amazingly I just threw it away.  Of course I did take a picture of it before then, what am I crazy?
Oh, and I got my artwork back from the art show.  I'll post them all tomorrow. 

P.S.  You all better like this!  I spent my Christmas break making this paper meche thingy!


I love songs that are just ridiculous and life loving.  I wish I had an oreo to give...*sniff*...
I have been listening to this song for what I literally think is a million times in a row.  And I still can't stop listening to it.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Kazi ni Naru

...this isn't right... why am I doing this?... I feel like I'm assimilating into someone else... :)... anyway, I just found it on that recommendation think on youtube and I liked it.  I think this movie's pretty cute.  I like it. 
Oh my gosh this is freaking me out EWWW!!!!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

What extists?

What things is already there is never there.  I'd like to make a note on judgement.  People sometimes feel that they must wear what everyone wears and enjoy and do what everyone else does.  And greatest of them all, they feel too self conscious about themselves.  Now honestly, would you think that if you knew that nearly everyone around feels the same away about themselves?  You see what I mean?  They're really is no judgement. Only self-consciousness.  And now you wonder, where did these trends and fashions come from?  I'll tell you where they came from: individuals.  Individuals are those who don't follow the trends of everyone else, they make them.  They don't care what anyone else thinks, they're perfectly satisfied with what they've got.  Even poor and impoverish people are individuals and start trends.  Those whom we remember the most.  Those people are individuals.  And if individuals don't make new trends, then what?  Well, they think, "who cares. At least I'm not being copied now."
Go, be individuals.  Do what you want.  It's okay to do what everyone else is doing of course, but only if you want to do it, and you don't feel pressured to do it.  Don't just do things to make a statement, it doesn't make you any better.  Gosh dang it, just be yourself.  What's so hard about that?  Just do what you want and you'll be fine.
Oh, but don't forget to do things that scare you.  That's what helps to make who you are.  So go out, talk to a stranger, say hi to that old man who gives you the chills.  learn to drive.  Just do it...
"--okay, Alyse get down from your soap box, we're trying to sleep!"


*Learning about individuality isn't what monsters always need...*

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Strange Beast: Future

I think the most strangest and mysterious creature in the whole world is Future.  You don't know what he looks like.  In fact, you never really know what he looks like.  He sits in darkness, stalking you, smiling at you with a smile you can't figure out.  Future doesn't attack with his teeth and claws or sits on you with his grotesque mass.  He attacks your senses, your mind, your emotional discipline.  He just sits there, watching you.  You know he's there, but you never know if he's going to pounce at you or when.  You think about him all the time, wondering what it will be like when you meet him.  Will he be kind or cruel.  And then, before you know it, the thing you've been scared of has already passed.  But he's still there.  Stalking you.  And still you get nervous.  Always watching your back.  You can never seem to run from him if you try and yet he never really touches you at all.  Strange.  I've known some monsters to be strange, like selfs, prejudice, and loneliness, but never is a creature so strange as Future himself.  You never see him, yet you know he's there.  He never harms you, but your anxious for when he strikes.

Speaking of the creature Loneliness (tangent :D).  Loneliness is an odd creature.  When you're by yourself, he comes to you and comforts you.  But see that's what he intends.  He lets you know he's there and for some reason you panic.  It's weird, because he's so nice to you.  he tells you that there's no one else around but you and him.  It's good to have at least someone isn't it?  Then he's really nice enough to give you a name: Alone.  We all accept that name because we cry "I'm alone!" but it's never in a jubilant way.  He talks to you telepathically all the time, always using the name he gave you, but we never talk back.  I wonder if he likes it or not, when you ignore him as if he's not there.  You get so self-centered.  Loneliness has needs too.  Why don't you fill them.  I think he just wants a friend, but we're never really willing enough to be that.  Monsters are very strange creatures.

...I wish I were one...

Tangent # 2:  Have you ever noticed that I particularly like monsters?  Like, I think about them all the time?  I've just barely noticed...hmm...why did it take me so long to figure out?  Maybe I am a monster and I just don't know about it...

Tangent #3:  I also noticed just barely that really like ellipses...why is that?  Is it because I like the awkwardness of it all?

Tangent #4:  I WANT TO BE A MONSTER!!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

From Finner

hmm...I wouldn't mind living on the back of a sea monster.  I think I could get used to the rickety house and repair the walls when I needed to.  It's better than a house that does nothing at all.  Old houses have character I think.  The older they get, the more it seems to develop of personality.  I don't want a new house when I grow up.  I want an old one.  Anyway, this is something I've wanted to draw for a long time.  I heard this song, and I guess this is just what I thought of.  It fits really.

From Finner
By Of Monsters and Men (I know, I bet you're really annoyed by them now)