Friday, December 28, 2012

glutonous chickens, Tiny Tim and Pumpkin lumps

I've always wanted chickens.  Ever since I was a little girl.  I used to beg my mom and dad for chickens (And I still do somewhat).  I think chickens are wonderful in a featherbrained kind of way.  They're stupid, but their domesticness makes them wonderful.  I've been taking care of my neighbor's animals while they're off to Disney Land.  Their dogs are alright.  Rosie wont stop barking at me and Bull is ,well, bull-headed.  But their chickens I enjoy. They do absolutely nothing and I'm totally fine with it.  In fact, today their water froze over and when I gave them fresh, unfrozen water they all gathered around the trough like zombies, and I just stood in the cold shed and watched those glutinous drink away at their water.  Sometimes, stupidity awes me.
My father can be so cruel to me sometimes.  He did his dose of cruelty by introducing me to...Tiny, not the cute crippled boy with a twisted leg, but a tall, white faced man who played a tiny ukelele and sang soprano.  He creeps me out and his voice is stuck in my head, nay, it's haunting me!  I should have never bought him that ukelele for Christmas.  Now he's thinking of all these ukelele people to show me.  If you don't believe my rambling, see for yourself:
Cheesecake balls with pumpkin in it doesn't make a makes a lump.


  1. My mother heard him from the other room and recognized him. She does that a lot whenever I listen to things on your blog. That guy is awesome like he's from a horror movie. I wouldn't mind meeting him, but then again, I think I would.

  2. Yeah, most of the songs (or other stuff) are from people my parents show me. My mother and father do that a lot. They laugh when they allude something and tell me "Oh Alyse, you'll never know." Then they show me so then I do know.
    I don't know about meeting him. I cringe when I think of shaking his hand. I bet it's cold and bony in real life.
