Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sweet Nothings

Upon viewing my friend's blog (sugar grains) my father walks into the room.
"What you looking at?"
"My friend's blog,"  I say
"Oh' kind of like 'sweet nothings',"
Sweet nothings?
"Sweet nothings?" I reply.
"Don't you know what a 'sweet nothing is?"
"No, can you tell me?"
He shakes his head to testify for my tender stupidity.  "Ask your mother."  But I don't want to ask two people.
"Oh, please tell me!" I beg, but he leaves me all the same, and I am left squandering in my mind what the tar-nations a 'sweet nothing' is!
Mother walks in (finally my waiting is over)
I say "Mom, what's a 'sweet nothing'?"
My mother rolls her eyes down, searching in her mind for the answer.  "Well it's a um-- well it's a term that uh--I don't know."
What's a 'Sweet nothing'! I must know!!!  But thankfully my dad tells what a 'sweet nothing' is.
"A 'sweet nothing' are kind and endearing words you say to your spouse"
Now I think "What does that have to do with a blog?"

Now upon thinking on it, why is it called a sweet nothing.  If it's nothing, how can it be sweet.  It's nothing.  Nothing does not taste sweet.  I would know, I have tasted nothing.  'sweet nothing'...pish posh!!!


  1. Oh, I can't really describe it well, but I sort-of understand...

  2. Sort of understand what? My story, of sweet nothings?

  3. Ugh, stupid keyboard (and fingers) I mean "My story, or of sweet nothings?"

  4. sweet nothings, although both, really.
