Thursday, December 27, 2012

I saw it!!!!

Yay!  I saw it! At last I saw it!  Today, I watched The Hobbit in theaters!  And it was amazing (gotta slow down on exclamation points).  I loved it.  It was perfect.  All throughout the movie I was just being absolutely fan girl about it.  I giggled when Bilbo said his Hobbity little things, and I nearly screamed when he lunged at that orc.  And that would have been awkward.  But what was awkward was that I couldn't stop looking at that lumpy, baggy chin flab of the goblin kind.  And I don't know if there was an orc king that was trying to kill Thorin Oakensheild in the book.
All in all, it was incredible, and I am very very satisfied.  I recommend those who have not read the book or seen the movie to do so. 
Oh yes, I forgot my dear little friend Gollum.  He's so wickedly cute!  And adorably funny, even though he wants to eat Bilbo.  And I actually cried when I saw him with that sad and lonely face, with a rotten tear going down his cheek.  No wonder Bilbo had pity on him.
Now, if only I could remember the name of the dwarves.  Let's see, there was, Oin, Gloin, Biffer, Boffer, Bomber, Thorin, Dorin, Kili, Tili--or was it Trili--Balin, Dwalin.........

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