Friday, December 28, 2012

glutonous chickens, Tiny Tim and Pumpkin lumps

I've always wanted chickens.  Ever since I was a little girl.  I used to beg my mom and dad for chickens (And I still do somewhat).  I think chickens are wonderful in a featherbrained kind of way.  They're stupid, but their domesticness makes them wonderful.  I've been taking care of my neighbor's animals while they're off to Disney Land.  Their dogs are alright.  Rosie wont stop barking at me and Bull is ,well, bull-headed.  But their chickens I enjoy. They do absolutely nothing and I'm totally fine with it.  In fact, today their water froze over and when I gave them fresh, unfrozen water they all gathered around the trough like zombies, and I just stood in the cold shed and watched those glutinous drink away at their water.  Sometimes, stupidity awes me.
My father can be so cruel to me sometimes.  He did his dose of cruelty by introducing me to...Tiny, not the cute crippled boy with a twisted leg, but a tall, white faced man who played a tiny ukelele and sang soprano.  He creeps me out and his voice is stuck in my head, nay, it's haunting me!  I should have never bought him that ukelele for Christmas.  Now he's thinking of all these ukelele people to show me.  If you don't believe my rambling, see for yourself:
Cheesecake balls with pumpkin in it doesn't make a makes a lump.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Howling Wind

"I'll dissolve when the rain pours in,
When the nightmares take me,
I will scream with the howling wind,
'Cause it's a bitter world, and I'd rather dream"
-"Lonely Lullaby" by Owl City

Medium:  Nu Pastel

If you want to hear the song that inspired me, click here

I saw it!!!!

Yay!  I saw it! At last I saw it!  Today, I watched The Hobbit in theaters!  And it was amazing (gotta slow down on exclamation points).  I loved it.  It was perfect.  All throughout the movie I was just being absolutely fan girl about it.  I giggled when Bilbo said his Hobbity little things, and I nearly screamed when he lunged at that orc.  And that would have been awkward.  But what was awkward was that I couldn't stop looking at that lumpy, baggy chin flab of the goblin kind.  And I don't know if there was an orc king that was trying to kill Thorin Oakensheild in the book.
All in all, it was incredible, and I am very very satisfied.  I recommend those who have not read the book or seen the movie to do so. 
Oh yes, I forgot my dear little friend Gollum.  He's so wickedly cute!  And adorably funny, even though he wants to eat Bilbo.  And I actually cried when I saw him with that sad and lonely face, with a rotten tear going down his cheek.  No wonder Bilbo had pity on him.
Now, if only I could remember the name of the dwarves.  Let's see, there was, Oin, Gloin, Biffer, Boffer, Bomber, Thorin, Dorin, Kili, Tili--or was it Trili--Balin, Dwalin.........

Monday, December 24, 2012

Is it better to live alone?

I find that when I'm relieved of school and I'm trapped in my home by snow and simply having nothing to leave the house for, I feel more creative.  My mind it seems, grows clearer and I enjoy life a bit more for its simpleness, and I can come up with story ideas, or art projects.  And with me being the youngest in my family and still not being able to drive or have a job (not that I totally desire for it), I find myself home alone.  But I like it that way.  I like having the home to myself.  I don't have any interruptions when I clean the kitchen or make tempting little cherry rounds or read a book.  And then when I do miss my friends at school, I talk to myself, which is totally fine as long as I know it's me I'm talking to.  But then I also grow more shy and reluctant to call people or start up conversations with my neighbors.  And that's simply because I don't want to.  They don't have any desires to climb mountains that don't exist.
But unfortunately school will come.  And I will once again be standing at the bus stop alone.  My shoes freezing to the sidewalk and the only companion to show up will usually be the silent Bean Pole boy who strangely only wears a light jacket.  Then I will be surrounded by people and my mind will grow foggy again.  I may not have the creativity I did before when I was alone and I wont be used to school so I'll have some late assignments.  The only thing I really ever look forward to for school now is my friends.  I enjoy them so much more.  I used to think school was good hard work and joyful, but now I'd prefer a plow for hard work than a math quiz.  School is so unimportant to me now that it's Christmas Break.
Is it better to live alone?  With only a couple companions to keep you entertained.  I enjoy loneliness most of the time but I desire company a lot too.
...I wish I weren't so stupid...


My brother told me a very strange fact:
"You know, when your head gets chopped off you still have consciousness for a little bit."
"Really!" I said
"Yeah, only your unable to breath, so you can't smell and you eventually suffocate.  But you're still aware of everything going on around you.  You can hear it, you can see it, and yeah."
"So--if I were to get my head lopped off, I would actually know that I was just a head rolling around on the ground and I could see the world just spin around as I rolled?"
"Yes, but it would only be for a few seconds and you would just fade...(He sees the grin on my face) you better not be having any ideas!"

No no, I wont chop my head off to enjoy the sensation.  I can only do it once anyway.  But isn't that just cool?  Just think about it:  you can't feel the rest of your body, your heart grows cold so you can't feel any emotions, but the world is spinning around you and you thump your head on the ground.  That's when you realize "My body's gone!"  You roll around, a body-less lump and everyone screams when you approach them.  Then, it all just fades away.   It grows dark and you no longer feel the world tossing you around like the useless head you are.
That kind of sounds cool to me, but I imagine it wasn't for those who did feel the sensation.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tragic Cruelty

"Go away!"  She screamed, "Go away!"  Her legs were getting sluggish and tired now, and her feet ached to just stop.  But she couldn't stop, he was still running with a skip in his gleeful stride.  How could he not tire after running for so long?  It didn't matter now, she just had to keep running.
She gasped for air, even her heart wished to stop.  If only she could brush this white abyss aside and run now into a world of color, then she could leave behind this frightening man.
"Stop!"  She suddenly wailed.  She wasn't sure why she said that or to whom, but she barely noticed through her throbbing legs and bleeding feet that she was no longer running.  "What do you want from me?"  she managed to say in a gasping breath.  What could she do now?  Where was he?  She looked around desperately, but all she could see was white.  Had she actually out run him?
He appeared almost out of nowhere.  But now he stood right over her.  His eyes flashing with green glint.  A green glint that wanted torture, a broken face.  His lips were as black as Death.  Haunting marks stood on his face.  Perhaps to hide scars?
But his eyes, yes his eyes, were most frightening of all.  She could see no pupil.  It was just black.  And the whites of his eyes, were more white that the white world he was chasing her in. 
Panic flooded her.  She turned to run.  Run for another uncountable time.  Run till her legs would finally give in. Run with all her desperate might.  But a cold hand clasped on her wrist.  This clasp, she noticed, was not in a desire to hold her firm to stick the blade through her heart.  It was beckoning.  Please stay it seemed to have said, if a hand could speak.
She turned to see the hand that beckoned.  The hand on her wrist strangely enough was connected to him.  There was no other entity there to protect her if she stayed.  It was just the two of them, standing in the middle of nothingness.
His eyes changed.  He looked sad, broken, lonely.  How could she help but pity those broken eyes.  It seemed the pain her feet had gone away.  Everything was numb, except for her heart.  It felt wild, on fire like a stallion set free.
Nose to nose they were now.  The silence it seemed had become music to their ears.  "Don't be shy little mouse,"  he whispered in her ear.  She had never heard his voice before.  It was clear, perfect and it sang love.
And then in the silence, they kissed.
[ But remember readers, he wants to see a broken face.  Love is a facade.]
She was so drawn into his pity and love, that she had not noticed his other hand behind his back.  It too clasped something.  And this hand did not beckon.  Had he clasped to her wrist with this hand, it would hold her fast to her torture.  Again, it clasped a small blade.  Reserved for one blood.
The sting of the blade flashed quick and horribly.  What had he done!  They no longer kissed.  Tears of confusion and pain flooded her eyes. "Why?"  she gasped.
His eyes flashed again with the green glint.  Oh, it was glorious to see her broken face.  It was just what he had wanted.  It was all  that he wanted.
A single tear ran down his cheek and touched his cruel grin.  "Why not," was the last thing she heard him whisper.
He rolled his eyes.  And then, with a gentle thud, he fell to the white surface.  Blood stained his monochromatic blouse.  His wicked hand still clasped to the knife in his stomach.  She stood alone now.  It was no longer them.  it was her.  In the white nothingness, she fell to her knees and wept.

(I just love twisted endings)

Medium: ink
in case you were wondering 

It finally dawned on me

People always ask me how I can draw so well.  And my answer would usually be "years of practice"  but that actually isn't it.  I don't really know how I draw so well.  It seems when I want to draw something, I don't just sit around drawing it over and over again until I've finally mastered it.  I usually give up after 10 minutes of unsatisfactory sketches.  I usually never see improvement.  But then one day, I'll just decide to draw it and voila, It looks amazing and I'm satisfied.  You see, I really don't know how I do it.  It just dawns on me is all.
And now Anime has dawned on me.  I've drawn a few sketches, but they were usually really bad.  Then suddenly last night, I got really good at it!  Now I'm super happy that I can draw Anime.
I love this sketch.  She's so cute with those sad eyes.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Alouette Gentille Alouette

Alouette Gentille Alouette
Alouette, je te plumerai!
Where do people come up with these freaky children songs.  The French especially.  This whole thing is about plucking a lark into peices.  That's just gruesome!  But the song is so cute and pleasant, I can just sing it all day.  I guess without gory children's songs, there wouldn't be any creative children.  I mean really what do think Ring Around The Rosies all about?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Chocolate Bar: Staring me

At this very moment, I am trying a strange natural face mask thing.  I'm doing it only because I'm bored, and it seemed interesting to me.  I mixed a little cocoa with milk and then I mask myself like a warrior.  It's such a weird sensation.  The paste junk is cold, yet smooth and silky.  But even now it hardens on me as if I'm turning to stone.  I can hardly move my face.  But strangest of all sensations is that I smell like a chocolate bar.  I kind of want to eat myself right now.  I smell like a dark chocolate truffle coated with a little bit of cocoa to add sweet bitterness (if that even makes sense).  In fact, I wouldn't doubt that I've accidentally made a magic witch potion instead of a face mask and I'm actually turning into a chocolate bar.  I don't think I did this right...
You can tell, I'm just so bored that I'm not only turning myself into a chocolate bar, but that I'm actually posting about it.

Hmmm... If I actually turn into a chocolate bar, would my mother eat me?  Would you eat me?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Soul Man

I totally agree with you Ben L'Oncle Soul!  I don't want to be pretend to be someone I'm not, or do things I don't want to do.  I'm just me, and me is who I want to be.  Although sometimes I don't know if I can handle me.  Oh, and for you people who don't really know any French,  he's singing about being himself and not anyone else.
And I just love the way everyone dresses.  I think it's so cute and attractive.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Rebellious for a change

I was too tired to pay attention to my boring lectures, so I reverted back to my old habit for a second and doodled quite a rebellious piece of work.
So yes about my "old habit"  during elementary school: I was so bored by the same old and monotonous lessons that I would just draw, saying to myself "I may not be looking at the teacher but I'm still listening" (yeah right).  Once during third grade, the teacher caught me drawing a rat and she took it away (I remember complaining to her because "I wasn't finished with it"), brought me out to the hall and threatened to send me back to kindergarten if I wouldn't stop drawing.  Then she had a meeting with my mother about it.  I remember when she and I walked out of the school that night.  I was feeling pretty scared because I didn't want to go back to kindergarten over a stupid drawing.  But I also laughed because my mom was holding that same drawing with a dreamily confused face.
Oh' but don't worry, my third grade teacher took it all back after being given a drawing of a light house (I was a sucker like that).  Then the story of her focus challenged student kind of changed...

Petite Soeur

I like this song...there I said it.  It reminds me of myself.  Probably because sometimes I can be a little brat too.  Petite Soeur means "little sister" and I believe the songs about a bratty little sister.  *sigh*  I'll listen to it anyway because I love it.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sweet Nothings

Upon viewing my friend's blog (sugar grains) my father walks into the room.
"What you looking at?"
"My friend's blog,"  I say
"Oh' kind of like 'sweet nothings',"
Sweet nothings?
"Sweet nothings?" I reply.
"Don't you know what a 'sweet nothing is?"
"No, can you tell me?"
He shakes his head to testify for my tender stupidity.  "Ask your mother."  But I don't want to ask two people.
"Oh, please tell me!" I beg, but he leaves me all the same, and I am left squandering in my mind what the tar-nations a 'sweet nothing' is!
Mother walks in (finally my waiting is over)
I say "Mom, what's a 'sweet nothing'?"
My mother rolls her eyes down, searching in her mind for the answer.  "Well it's a um-- well it's a term that uh--I don't know."
What's a 'Sweet nothing'! I must know!!!  But thankfully my dad tells what a 'sweet nothing' is.
"A 'sweet nothing' are kind and endearing words you say to your spouse"
Now I think "What does that have to do with a blog?"

Now upon thinking on it, why is it called a sweet nothing.  If it's nothing, how can it be sweet.  It's nothing.  Nothing does not taste sweet.  I would know, I have tasted nothing.  'sweet nothing'...pish posh!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Land of Time within time itself

"...Where are you?
I'm a lost child within the land of time,
I don't know the way home,
Waiting, I'm waiting..."

(Tsuki no Waltz by Mio Isayamo)

Medium: colored pencil

Friday, December 7, 2012

Wizards in Winter

Now it is the season of Christmas.  Which means that the Trans-Siberian Orchestra comes to life once again, with inspired folks making light up houses to what is pretty much their best Christmas song ever: Wizards in Winter.  It's strange that a song like this can make you love Christmas but still get your heart thumping with excitement.

My peculiarness

I think everyone has a peculiarness, hidden away somewhere in our homes.  It usually is never specific, but certainly peculiar.  Maybe you have one that I hopefully do not know of.  Maybe you have found one yourself; like your mom's is an old picture of her when she was in high school, or the old man across the street's is a collection of someones wisdom teeth tucked away in the knife drawer, or your Aunt Emmaline has a shrunken head in her dusty trunk. 
Mine is the wee little skull of a badger, that my father gave me, hidden tenderly in my closet.  'Roger' I call him...why that is, I'm not sure.  Perhaps that was the name he introduced me with when I met his soul in a dream that I don't remember....

Tuxedo Rabbit

"...A rabbit wearing a tuxedo has come,
He asks 'How about some wine?' and gestures toward a table
Beneath an unbrella of pure red mushrooms,
And that's when the dancing began..."
(Tsuki no Waltz by Mio Isayama)

Medium: prismacolor- best colored pencil brand on earth, in my opinion
Sorry this came so late. My computer was having issues.  Stay tune for tomorrow's arrival of the third art piece of Tsuki no Waltz!

If I were a shape-shifter

If I were a shape-shifter, would I want to take the form of all the animals in the world?  Would I want to take the form of all whom I touch (even the lamp post)?  Would I want to take the shape of one animal like Beorn the skin-changer?  And dance with others like myself?  Would I want to want to never be my own original shape, and hide it like the basilisk?
Of course not!  I'd choose non of those things if I were to be a shape-shifter.
If I were a shape-shifter, I'd wish to take the form of a monster of my own creation.  A monster so unique, I'd love only to dance with myself.  A monster that would make the man rocking on his chair on his porch nearly fall off and say to himself "What on earth was that!  I ain't never seen anything of the like!"  A creature that may reflect a little of myself though.  A bit of innocence and majestic love in my eyes, but with the counterpart of a fierce power.  That's what I would choose if I were a shape-shifter.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Tribute to the "Old Guys"

I respect the people of the old days.  They were so original and wise.  And they were beyond funny.  Tribute to you, you great and fanatical fellows!

Good Ol' Danny Kaye!  (and if you notice, he tells the same story in the first and last video)

And of course, Victor Borge the verbal writer of punctuation.

Sorry if I give you an excessive list of videos to watch... enjoy them anyway!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hurray for the Hobbit!!!!

I'm so excited for the Hobbit to come out in theaters Dec 14!  I love the Hobbit!!!!  I guess you could say I'm a fanatic.  My favorite part is going to be the song "Misty Mountains Cold." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Oh' Peter Jackson, you're such a genius.
Not to mention, but I personally think Gollum is hideously adorable!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

So glad to have friends

Witchy Tiejten: "This is all your fault you know."
Troll & I: ..... (how can we argue)

I'm so glad to have some friends.  One to take the fall with me and the other to remind me of my mistakes, but still be there for me.  I love you guys : D

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blue night Moon

"The moon brings out such wonderful things
On a blue night, like this
In a deep forest,
I wander about..."

('Tsuki no Waltz' by Mio Isayamo)

Medium: watercolor, watercolor pencil, colored pencil, and a little bit of nu pastel and pen

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pride in myself

O' what pride I have in myself! So technologically challenged, yet I have over come and I can text!!!  Hurray!!  And now I have just learned how to follow people.  You may think that's weird, but I don't because I am talking in the sense of blogs, not actually following people to their house and texting then non-stop (texting non-stop is another thing I cannot do, how do you normal teenagers do it?).  Anyway, praises to me for I am now one step closer the twenty-first century whom has left me biting in the dust.  

Tsuki no Waltz

I found this song on my friends blog.  An quite frankly, I've grown lavishly obsessed with it.  So each week I will create and post a piece of art inspired by this awesome song.  I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Foolish Humpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
And all the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

"Now what was Humpty doing up there in the first place?"

Friday, October 12, 2012

Stupidity of I

I have so many cool story ideas that I want to write.  I can write one paragraph until  I forget... oh the forever growing stupidity of I.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sand Cat

The reason why I can't sleep at night is because... Sand Cat is too lazy to put me to sleep  (ask me why I rely on Sand Cat's sleep power instead of the Sand Man)

Medium: sand (duh!)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Stupid monsters

Great, just great!  Look what one of those stupid monsters left after I chased out from under the bed.  I'll raise him into a monstrous killer to destroy all monsters in the world! I'll call him Smudgy, because he's so ugly

'Sweet' success

Who doesn't love sugar?  This awesome guy is dissolving into sugar if you haven't noticed.

Medium:  watercolor

The Sword

The little red line, is a splinter my brother got when he was carving a sword out of wood.  I didn't want such a strange object to go to waist, so I incorporated it in my art piece at school.  I think it's kind of awesome, but of course, an artist must see what they can do better.

Medium: watercolor

Edins' Child

Of all the magnificent beauties that Mother had created, none were as beautiful as the creation she had just made.  It had her eyes, her hair, and her grace.  Mother looked upon it with such tender love and said, "I shall give her the power to affect all the things I have given her, so that she may learn what beauties she is capable of."

Medium: Watercolor

Externality of hairspray

Don't hairspray and matches make a beautiful sight?

medium: color pencil

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Raining (or tears if you put it that way)

Rain is what replenishes growth in a desert.  So I will not be embarrassed if my cloud of joy begins to rain.  Because I know that I will grow.  Maybe into a Tropical Rainforest...


If you run are you wise?
or are you a coward?
If you fight are you brave?
or are you a fool?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Spirit Dragon

"What? Are you accusing me of copying an idea off of Spirited Away? I would never!  It just gave inspiration to draw it, that's all."

Seraphim scetch

Ya...This is usually how my scripture study ends. (Isaiah 6:2 or 2Nephi 16:2)